Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Neighbor's Dog

The Neighbor’s Dog, our mutual friend.
My parents’ dog Trisha took the family boundary protection duty very seriously. Caesar, the yellow lab next door didn’t stand a chance of crossing the line, much less an invitation to meet the folks.  Mom and dad were avid animal lovers. They would have had no problem with Caesar’s visiting, but Trisha would have none of it. Sadly, Trisha grew old and frail. My brother and I took her to the veterinarian to humanely put to sleep.  Our parents were up there in age and decided against getting another dog.
On hot summer days my parents would relax under the carport. Dad was struggling with various ailments and did not ambulate well. He was content to sit outside, munching in snacks, especially 3D Doritos. It wasn’t long after Trisha’s death when Caesar meandered over and cautiously padded up to dad and mom. Dad would offer him the 3D chips and oreo cookies. We would chastise him about giving a dog such human food. This fell on deaf ears and soon our neighbor’s dog became a regular outdoor fixture at the family homestead.
One afternoon my father felt ill and required medical attention. Our neighbors happened to be EMTs so they were the first to arrive on the scene. Caesar ran in right after them.  They tried shooing him out but my mom assured them it was fine.  It was from that day on I felt we were stealing the neighbor’s dog.  
There were several times the neighbors and we tried to coax Caesar to his rightful home. We would bring him back, they would tie him up. As soon as he was let loose, back he came. My dad felt as if Caesar knew how much mom and he needed the companionship of a beloved animal.  Some days were difficult and long caring for an ill spouse and parent. Caesar was a wonderfully loving and gentle dog. We couldn’t have stolen a more perfect dog to ease the burden of long-term care.
There came a time when we could no longer care for Dad at home. It was a heart wrenching decision that had to be made. Mom and Dad raised 10 children. We had always said we would never place our parents in the care of others. Sadly Dad required more care than our large family was able to provide.
Caesar filled mom’s days with company and purpose as she adjusted to living in a home without her spouse. Dad, however, was struggling emotionally. He broke down one day and said how much he missed Caesar. I would have taken that personally if I hadn’t known how much my parents loved their animals. I decided to check into how I could get Caesar up to visit my dad. The nursing home was very accommodating; telling me all I needed was proof Caesar was current on all his vaccinations.  What the hospital didn’t know was that I would have to go ask the neighbors if I could have a copy of the record so I could take Caesar up to see Dad. They were very gracious and gave me what I needed. Caesar himself was a trooper on the visits. He appeared very nervous in the elevators, not wanting to cross over the small crack between the floors and the doors of the elevator. He was lavished with love and caresses from all the patients at every turn. He became an instant celebrity. Dad looked so proud of his neighbor’s dog. It remains one of my most precious memories of my dad. Dad passed away less than a year later.
At this point Caesar was a permanent fixture in the home. I took him to the vet’s as necessary and gave him flea medication when needed.  He got on well with the cats and tolerated the scores of grandchildren and great-grandchild that came along exceptionally. The neighbors had long ceased attempts to retrieve their dog. He was my mom’s constant companion. She considered him sent by God. She still fed him oreos.
The old yellow lab began showing signs of aging. He lost the ability to get up on his hind legs without assistance. We would literally lift his back end up any stairs he needed to get up. The nerves and muscles controlling his bowels were weakening and he would go without realizing it at times. When he did notice, you could almost see the embarrassment and sorrow in his eyes. He grew out of breath with little exertion. We lovingly cared for him. He loyally cared for Mom.
My mother became ill and required temporary rehabilitation at a local nursing facility. At this point Caesar was getting weaker by the day, struggling to change positions at times. We had painfully made the decision to humanely euthanize him. My mom knew in her heart it was time and she wanted to see him one last time. I remember struggling to get him in the van, he was panting, I was stressing. I was concerned about how he was going to get out once there and then how I was going to get him back in when it was time to leave. When we arrived, I could see mom and my sister sitting outside in a shady spot.  I opened the side door and prepared to assist Caesar. My mom began to call him and that dog jumped up like a puppy. He bound out of the van and ran to her.  He rubbed against her, she hugged him, they both smiled at each other. I felt the complete idiot, the Cruella Daville of all daughters. How could I possibly have debated the necessity of putting Caesar down when he acted so healthy and spry. They had a wonderful visit, mom and Caesar. However, Mom knew her dog and his true condition. She knew it would be the last day she would spend with him.
A couple of days after that visit, I made one last trek to the neighbor’s home. I asked for permission to have Caesar put to sleep at our expense.  I thanked them and told them they will never know what their dog meant to my parents, to our entire family.  They were truly good neighbors. I told them we never meant to steal their dog. 
On a hot summer day in August Caesar peacefully died in my arms. My husband and nephew dug a grave in our backyard that would be Caesar’s resting place. It was purposefully dug between the two  property lines.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Not One

Not One
I have been an avid “Life Today” viewer. It is a program hosted by Rev. James Robison and his wife Betty. The hosts and the content of the program has encouraged and inspired me in my faith for many years. In most segments there is an opportunity to hear of and participate in a ministry targeting specific and desperate needs around the world.  Inevitably you will be moved to compassion. You may also be prompted in your heart to give. You may be so anguished at the need you turn away or shut the television off altogether.
One particular episode highlighted the horrid crime of Human Trafficking, specifically the pervasive sex trade of young girls in the country of Thailand.  I watched as a reporter walked the streets, filming and documenting real children, real parlors, lounges and store fronts. Children were either stolen or sold into slavery because the families were so poor.  I could feel the heaviness of heartache in my chest as I watched, not wanting to watch, not wanting to know any more about it. I prayed with tears for these children. I grieved for all the children around the world who have been affected by sexual crimes of all kinds.
At the close of the segment, James gave an opportunity to give a certain amount to the ministry, Rescue Life, an outreach focusing on the victims of Human trafficking.  $128.00 would save one child. $1,280.00 would save ten children. Upon reading the amounts I stood up out of my chair and yelled with passion and in tears, “Not one! Not one, God! Not one child should have to suffer this horror!” I shook my head, I cried, I angrily sought an answer as to why this is allowed to happen. My thoughts and prayers volleyed from begging God to send protectors to disbelief that a loving God would not act on behalf of these innocent victims.
In my despair I continued to just plead, “Not one”.  In my spirit God responded using scripture. He reminded me, not one sheep, not one coin, not one wayward son was lost and not accounted for by its owner. (Luke 15:3-31) God used well known parables to remind me of this truth: God has promised He will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5-6)This truth stands, regardless of our circumstances. He reminded me that He has the heart of a Father.  I was humbled and chastised in my unbelief and mistrust of my heavenly Father. As a father, God sacrificed everything; including His One own Son, to save us from a fallen world.  How could I continue to accuse a God who sacrificed His One and Only Son so we wouldn’t have to go through the evils of this world alone.  In all the world’s travesties we can be assured on this, God is a loving God and he is a just God. In His love, He sent us a Savior. (John 3:16) Godly Judgment will be executed upon all the evil that is against any of His beloved. In the end, all things will be made right. He is God and it can go no other way.
I passionately accused God of not doing enough when he had already done all that was needed. 
. *Not one of us is meant to perish but to spend eternity with Him. It was God’s passion for us that ultimately sent His son to the cross. Belief in His son Jesus Christ reconciles us to a compassionate God. Our everlasting life will be void of all the evil that is so pervasive in our world today.  God’s compassion for our fallen world came in the form of His son Jesus. Jesus tells his followers, “In this world you will have many troubles, but take heart, I have overcome the world”. (John 16:33).He has overcome all that is bad and wrong. As the evil in the world attests, we are not sheltered from harm. As God’s beloved, we are enemies of those forces that are enemies of God.  The Good news, the gem in all this turmoil, is the resurrected Jesus promises He is one with us.
I may not have enough money to save one little girl in Thailand, but I can send my Jesus, my sweet Jesus to tend to her care. He is mighty to save.  I can humbly ask my loving, patient and kind heavenly Father to forgive my unbelief. I can continue to pray with all the passion that is within me knowing my prayers fall on the listening ears of a merciful and compassionate God.
To learn more go to www.Lifetoday.org click on RescueLife.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Braelyn's Song

Braelyn’s Song

The last week in October 2007 was a day full of worried anticipation. We had news of the impending delivery of my great- niece Christy’s baby. He would be three months too early. The umbilical cord carrying life blood from the mother to baby was deteriorating. It was only allowing 20% of the necessary blood flow to go to the baby, This made the decision to deliver him a critical one. Christy was told there was 0% survival rate inside or outside of the womb for her baby. She was told to go home and come back to the hospital the following Monday, How horrible to be sent home knowing there was given no future for the child you are carrying. Frantic prayer was sent out.  In today’s standards, Christy needed a miracle.
With a heavy heart I arrived to work as a respite caregiver for a couple from our church. They were the parents of two beautiful three year old twins who were also born very early. They weighed in at 1 lb 7oz and 1 lb 10oz, respectively at birth. I do not believe it was a coincidence I was placed in this home for such a time as this. The encouragement I received just by seeing on a weekly basis what is possible concerning early births was vital. The encouragement to our family as we withstood the very same crisis cannot be measured.  I believe God worked behind the scenes to see us through this difficult time. As I tucked the boys into bed for their naptime  I remember asking the Lord to give my niece Lorrie the same opportunity to tuck her little grandbaby in as I was given tucking these precious boys in. I asked the Lord to open up that umbilical cord and allow it to do what it was suppose to do.  My heart was aching in my chest as I pulled the covers up and made sure the boys were comfortable, As I was praying, little Samuel speaks up and says, ”play number 2 Miss Nadine”. He was referring to the CD in his stereo he listened to. As soon as I turned it on, I hear the instrumental version of the Christian song, “Deep and Wide”.  Deep and wide, deep and wide there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide, deep and wide, deep and wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.   I knew right then, in my spirit, that God was listening to my prayer and the prayers of others. He was letting me know He heard me. It was a good thing my shift was over because my emotions were in quite a state at this point. I do believe I cried all the way home, thanking God for His loving care and compassion.
 Over the next couple of days I was able to encourage my niece Lorrie with information I received from Heather, the mother of the twin boys. I was able to share a scrap book of Heather and her husband Ben’s journey of the boys’ birth with my sister, Christy’s grandmother. She was able to meet the boys personally. Hope was infused into this dire situation.
I was elated when, come Monday, my niece Lorrie shares the news that the cord was now functioning at 40% and the baby was responding better. Lorrie exact words were,” There may not be blood flowing through that cord, but something is!! .  Deep and wide, deep and wide there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide, deep and wide, deep and wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.   Praise God for his all healing power and ability to make the impossible possible! The family needed this confidence because there were many days of trials ahead, beginning on November 5th 2007. Braelyn Makhi Tucker  arrived via caesarean section on a Monday evening. My sister and I happened to be at Bible study together when she got the call that her 12 and ½ oz, 10 inch long baby great-grandson was born. He was no bigger than a bag of Chocolate chips and maybe as long as one, but he was alive! The hospital was able to get a breathing tube in him. It was time to hope and pray for the best. I remember standing next to my sister as she received the news and hearing her literally choke on her words as she verbalized the unbelievable weight of this tiny baby. Twelve ounces……I thank God we were in a place surrounded with ladies who love my sister and were able to rejoice with her that he was alive and comfort her in her anguish. God is good like that. We prayed and each went to our own homes to let it all sink in. I knew where I had to go. I needed to quiet myself and enter into God’s presence in prayer. My heart was aching for my sister, my niece, and Christy. The impact on our family was far-reaching. My mind was whirling with questions and scenarios. Christy’s brother was expecting a son two weeks before Christy’s original due date of February 14th.(He is now the proud father of a beautiful baby boy also) My daughter was expecting a child two weeks after that( she is now the proud mother of a baby girl). If Braelyn did not live, my mind just could not settle with how awful the constant reminders in the lives of these two babies would be for Christy and her family. She was young in her faith, as was Lorrie, her mom. A blow like this could have devastating results spiritually. I NEEDED to go before God’s throne with all of this for comfort and answers. I know enough about my heavenly Father to know that I can tell him anything. He may not let me in on all His dealings or answer me in the way I would like, but He lets me know that I will never be alone in any of it. I’ve learned to go to Him and receive comfort just by knowing that He hears and He knows. I am drawn to His room.  It’s enough.
   Prayer is private, an intimate setting for two, maybe three. However, I am willing to share a glimpse into my prayer life in the hopes that you may get a glimpse of how loving and compassionate God is.

I enter in, but no words can form, they are stuck in my constricted throat, eyes brimming. I can only plead to my heavenly Father with my mind and heart. This is big……..Please…. let this baby live.
They are young in their faith, this could turn their hearts….I know
This would be a big blow to her   I know
It would be difficult to adjust to a brother and a cousin’s babies born around the time her baby was due I know
Lorrie would always have a finger on the pulse of her daughter’s emotions in the presence of her living grandchild…I know
The ripple effect through the family would make conversations guarded concerning the living babies, We could never be fully joyful.  I know
I think it would be cruel.   I know
I love you and trust them to your care.  

Lord, It’s enough you know……..Amen.

Prayer…..it’s enough, you know?

God had clearly performed a miracle for Christy.  However, there were times Braelyn was having some extreme difficulty and the family was told to prepare for the worst. Prayers went out literally all over the globe for this little guy. I again remember stepping into the throne room of God and crying out to Him that “it wasn’t enough, the miracle of his birth wasn’t enough.” My heart was fearful in God’s presence while saying those words, It seemed almost ungrateful but I knew I couldn’t walk away for this prayer time without asking for more time. I wanted Lorrie to experience what it felt like to be a Granny of a three year old (and beyond). I also didn’t want to be selfish and ask for more time at the expense of Braelyn’s comfort and ability to endure. God gently reminded me of two things:   1: Braelyn is my child and I love him. I will not allow him to suffer but will bring him home in my time.  2: Deep and wide, deep and wide there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide, deep and wide, deep and wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.      Ephesians 3;18 says, “And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love(through Christ dwelling in your heart)may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.

On Valentine’s Day, February 14th 2008. Braelyn weighed in a whopping 3 ½ lb boy who the hospital staff has nicknamed “the boss”. He practiced bottle feeding and sitting up in a car seat. This was in anticipation of going home within a few weeks or less, oxygen in tow. He had surpassed all doctors’ expectations. He overcame almost insurmountable odds. As of today, June 3rd, 2011, Braelyn is a formidable wrestling foe of his cousin Buddy! My sister had the privilege of visiting with Lorrie, Christy, Braelyn and all the family recently. She told Lorrie she does not know how they keep up with him! Praise GOD! 
God has proven that HE IS LOVE. 
Thank your heavenly Father for His love and blessings to your family. Thank him for allowing His son Jesus Christ to die for you so that you can come into his presence and fellowship with Him. Then show up on the doorstep of His throne room and expect the unexpected! His fountain of love is Deep and wide, deep and wide there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide, deep and wide, deep and wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.   



You alone are righteous
Yet you gave it up for me.
To clothe me by your sacrifice
Your pain the world to see.

Naked, you hung upon the cross
Void of all dignity.
God turned His face away from you,
A fate justly meant for me.

Oh, agony of heart, I cry,
My Savior I am sorry.
May I now live forever
If only to proclaim your glory.

In death there is no victory,
No one behind the stone.
Just raiments of His burial clothes,
And a people called His own.

God gave us such a precious gift.
Through mercy and love it was given.
His son not only died.
To the glory of God, He is RISEN!!

N. Clark 2003

The Secret Place

Secret Place

I have a secret place I go
As did the priest of old.
God did prepare this place for me
With just one lamp of gold.

It is the “Holy of Holies”
Draped in Hides and skins
Animals sacrificed and curtains made
At the east gate I enter in

Sweet smell of incense
Lights dance from its walls.
Revealing your shewbread,
To your table I’m called.

Shimmering gold
And shine from pressed oil.
Here I find my rest
I’m freed from my toil.

Your presence so moving
I fall to my knees,
Then lay prostrate before you.
My Savior I see.

I come before you alone.
My roles cease to exist.
Blessed peace overcomes me.
My heart has been kissed.

Your love is so pure,
Not given to chance.
But from Jesse’s root
I find your righteous branch.

This vine I do cling to,
All I have I would sell.
To be hid in your shadow,
This place I would dwell.

N. Clark 2003

Wipiwomen is...

  • Let’s get right to the purpose of Wipiwomen. We desire to support and encourage one another through prayer, friendship, scripture,and fellowship.We trust God our Savior is listening and paying attention to our prayers.
      • "Cast and wait"
      • Psalm 130:2 Hear my cry, O lord, pay attention to my prayer.
        I came across this scripture when I was about ready to give up praying for a certain ongoing problem. I was pretty impressed with the direction it seemed to be headed in. I want the God of all creation to hear my cry! Then I read verse 5 and 6...which the Lord BOLDLY highlighted for my good pleasure....
        "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits and in His word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchman wait for the morning,(and in case you didn't catch that, He repeats it) more than watchman wait for the morning.
        The message for me was twofold. The first was a reminder to put my hope in Him. That didn't scare me off until He used this scripture to convict me that I was hoping and waiting for the situation to be resolved MORE than I was putting my hope in Him and His word. I was more like the watchman waiting for his shift to be over than a woman of prayer waiting on the Lord and resting in the HOPE I have in Him. We serve a jealous God and He wants our whole trusting heart, not our half-hearted pleas and groaning.
        Although it isn't easy when the Lord reminds us of these things, we can draw comfort that He does indeed hear our prayers. He certainly paid attention to my cries and re-focused my prayer! He will do the same for you!
  • Wipiwomen is a spin-off, if you will, of a local” Moms in Touch International” (MITI) group. I realized the need to use the internet to keep women connected in fellowship and prayer due to the busyness of life.
    I have been involved in the MITI prayer support group for over 10 years. Our group had experienced the mighty power of God and received His supernatural peace in the midst of very trying times. Unfortunately the group found it very difficult to meet for various reasons. Fortunately, in today's world we have the internet (which my husband still believes is just a fad....) As stated earlier,one purpose of the WIPI prayer support group is to provide an opportunity for women to pray and share with one another. Public prayer requests can be posted on our Facebook page. You may message me with personal prayer requests at Wipiwomen@aol.com. I will discreetly pass them on privately to members of the group. As an encouragement to you, we have personally witnessed God's answers to prayer concerning life-threatening medical concerns, prodigal children, safety concerns, false accusations, wisdom in life decisions, protection for our families and much more. We have sensed God's comforting presence in life situations such as untimely death of loved ones and on-going difficulties. We believe God ministers to us through His word and His followers. I am excited to see what God has in store for those who seek Him. His love for each one of us is immeasurable.....1Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him, for He cares for you” There is no request too big or too small that He does not hear. He answers with a "yes" or a "no" or a "wait".....He answers when we pray.